Day two of camp rolled around... Today was the camp's "meet, greet, and learn day." That meant meeting new friends, greeting your camp councilors, and learning what to do and when. My best friend Melanie was at the camp too. She had been saving up her money to get to come with me! She wasn't in the cabin with me though. She introduced me to one of he roommates, Ida. We talked over a bit of lunch. Soon enough, everyone was supposed to meet back at their cabins to meet their councilors. This year was special, because they had told us that 8 super stars had "volunteered" to be cabin councilors. While we waited patiently in our room, a man appeared. We could see him through the screen door. It was the one and only, Louis Tomlinson! The people in charge of the camp knew that we called our cabin "Cabin L." for Louis. He walked into the small cabin, looked around, and then said with a heart stopping grin, "Ello, loves. My name's Louis, and I'm one fifth of One Direction!" As the others opened their mouths, about to scream, I yelled, "DON'T YELL!!" and they froze like ice. "Louis, We know exactly who you are," I said with a chuckle. He smirked and said he could tell by our reactions.
****part three is to come! -Sunshine(: