I am so so so very sorry everyone. My phone has been glitching up lately and I haven't been able to post the second part of Imagine. I am working on posting it from my phone at the moment. But I'd like to share some exciting news with you guys... Liam has both kidneys again! How awesome?! Also, today was my first day at High School and I only got lost once :)xx And another exciting announcement, on August 29th we want all Directioners out there to do the following.
1) Don't use a spoon for the entire day!
2) Write the words "Liam" and/or "Liam Payne" on your wrist.
3) Call everyone "turtle".
4) Do the "1, 2, 3, flick" when you pass people.
Whose up for the challenge? I know I am :)xx GOOD BYE FOR NOW BEAUTIFULS! -Sunshine :)xx
I am creepin' up on Sunshine's post~ I'm sorry too, everyone! I had band practice today and I just don't have the time (or energy) to put up my 30 Days of One Direction: Days 16-20, so I'll post it tomorrow, possibly with days 21-25.