
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

One Direction: Group Photos!

Nialler's Girl: One of our previous post, One Direction: Random Photo Time!, has been getting a lot of views! Since you all seem to like looking at pictures of the boys', I thought I would show you some group photos of them all! I hope you like the ones StuckOnStyles and I chose for you.

Why are Liam and Louis floating?! Unicorns, that's why.

Yes, because EVERYONE wears onesies and smiles. So natural!

Kids in a candy shoppe!

Everybody quick, JAZZ HANDS!

But Liam, where is your mustache?!

One Direction needs you!

Let's play a game of "Find the Irish Boy!"


See? Even famous people play videogames! :D

Balloons and One Direction, what could get any better? :3

Nialler's Girl: Bye! Thanks for visiting!

Written and Created By Nialler's Girl
Edited and Captions Made By StuckOnStyles

Nialler's Girl: StuckOnStyles should keep doing the captions, mine suck. I think I should just find the photos from now on! ^^'

NO! My photos and gif finding skills are superior! But I'll keep doing the captions I guess. lol -StuckOnStyles-

Nialler's Girl: I find good pictures sometimes~! xD