Congratulations to Annie, Alyssa, and I for finishing our first FULL week of Five Boys, One Dream, One Direction! What? Somebody had to say it...
I am very happy that this accomplishment was achieved in the month of July, just so I can say, "HAPPY LATE 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE!" Unless, of course, you're not from America.
We have lots of amazing things coming up soon for the blog! Imagine week is done, but don't worry, you'll still be seeing plenty of them. Sunshine, our latest administrator, has been writing an imagine about Niall that I know everyone will love! Also, as some of you have already seen from one of her recent post, StuckOnStyles is turning her second Liam imagine into a full fan-fiction. :D
Fan-fiction as explained by StuckOnStyles: A Fan Fic is when a fan of someone writes a story involving their idol. It can range from romantic to comedy or whatever. It involves a famous person and a person who isn't famous.
*Important* A new page will be created for each chapter of StuckOnStyles' new fan fiction, so that it is easier to find on here. There will be purple/blue tabs located clearly beneath the blog title and description, if you click them they will lead you to a certain page on the blog. That means either the home display, or one of the future chapters of the fan fiction.
On another note, you can now share Five Boys, One Dream, One Direction on Twitter and Facebook thanks to the Share It gadget! :) You find the gadget to the right of the main posts, above the blog archive.
We will be *trying* to posts some videos of One Direction, such as their video diaries and whatnot. There will probably be more things posted about 1D facts, pictures, gifs, and quotes than usual. Be expecting lots of awesome things for us!
Just putting this out there, but I'm changing the viewpoint of the fanfic. It's going from second person to first person. I need it to be easier for me to write! :P -StuckOnStyles-
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"Tac-Os! Meat, cheese, and lettuce flavored o's in a tortilla bowl! It even makes the milk taste like tacos!"